Submit New complaint
At Crédit Agricole Egypt, customer satisfaction is our priority.
Please share with us your customer experience and submit your suggestion / complaint using the electronic form below.
Important Notes:
In case of lost/stolen cards, kindly use (banki Mobile or banki Online) for cards blockage or contact Crédit Agricole Egypt self-service IVR on 19191.
Our digital banking services (banki Mobile and banki Online) are always available, making banking from anywhere, at any time, easier and more convenient.
All submitted complaints are directed to Crédit Agricole Egypt Customers Rights Protection Unit to start the necessary investigations within 2 business days.

Please ensure that entered data is correct to enable us processing your complaint successfully.
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Dear Customer;

To ensure efficient communication through Crédit Agricole Egypt’s different channels (website – Facebook – Customer services – Emails) and to be able to answer your inquires and suggestions, you are kindly requested to use appropriate language and not to use words that are considered abusive, or contain political or religious connotations or any offensive materials. In case of violation, the bank will have the right to disregard such communication and to take the necessary legal action As per CBE instructions # 123, customers are not allowed to file their complaints to the Central Bank of Egypt before referring in prior the matter to the Bank. The Bank will reply to the customer within 15 working days from the date of receiving the complaints (except for complaints concerning transactions with foreign entities /third parties, knowing that the customer will be informed about the time required for investigating the complaint).
Because your security is our priory, we would like to remind you that it is not safe to share or attach your card details, including photocopies of your card through any means. Crédit Agricole will never ask for your card details over email, social media, or any online platform. If you receive any request for your card information, please do not respond and contact us immediately at [email address]. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping your personal information safe and secure.

We thank you for your commitment for an ongoing easy exchange of communication

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